Fallout: New California

Richard Camper is a former member of the Survivalists in Fallout: New California.


Born in 2200 to a pair of former Vault 18 residents, Camper was a member of the Survivalists from his birth. However, being a Vault 18 descendant, he was still friends with Kevin Rossman and personally knew Yetti Hail and many of the Wasteland Scouts.

By 2260, he became discontent with the raider life after many years under Juan Maxson-Elsdragon's rule and interacting with the increasingly dangerous and erratic members of the Raider Alliance. Believing that Elsdragon was betraying his people's values, he decided to leave before the violent raider life killed him. He and his dog, Shayda, are heading east to Arizona to join a new "growing tribe" with "real meaning" - although he believes that he'll only live for two or three more years.

Interactions with the Player Character[]


Lost Roads: Camper is met on the road out of Pinehaven, at the I-18 Forest Fork. He will initiate dialogue as the player character approaches. If one so chooses, he can optionally give background on the Raiders and the Wasteland Scouts, as well as advice about where to go next:

  • If the generic response is chosen, he will mark both Union City and the Athens-Tec main gate on your map.
  • If the Born Soldier III response is chosen, he will mark Athens-Tec main gate, disgusted at the player being with the Enclave.
  • If the Scout Master response is chosen, he will mark Union City, noting that the NCR is - in his opinion -the best place to find help.

Other Interactions[]

  • If one is continuously rude to him when he first greets, he will turn hostile.
  • If one attempts to rob him in dialogue, he will reply that he has nothing of value and end dialogue in disgust, with no further conversation available.

